Family members who commit acts of honor killing believe that doing so will purify the family. To restore honor to the family and remove the shame and dishonor brought on by the family member, the family commits murder on the family members. The family's male member murders the female who disobeyed their wishes and dishonored the family name. This is a form of pre-planned murder committed by family members against the person who had brought shame upon the family. Most often, these acts are the result of triggers set off by family members, the community, or neighbors who make the accused feel degraded and agitated. most people of those incidents contain women who are suspected of committing sexual and marital crimes. there's no universally conventional definition of violence in opposition to ladies. home violence consists of violence by an intimate companion, anywhere this violence takes region and it in something form. Violence in opposition to ladies is described within the United nations declaration at the elimination of Violence towards ladies (1993)[2] as "any act of gender-based violence that leads, or is probable to result, in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to girls, which include threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether happening in public or in personal lifestyles." This definition highlights the gendered causes of violence, acknowledging that "violence against women is one of the major social mechanisms by which girls are pushed into a subordinate function in evaluation with guys."
Honor killing, also known as disgrace killing, is an act that brings shame to the circle of relatives. while someone rejects an arranged marriage, marries someone the own family disapproves of, or receives married to a person outside their caste towards the wishes and desires of the circle of relatives, it's miles considered an act of murder. This type of murder has been practised for hundreds of years in India. This has been a culture for the reason that past. In our country, it's miles now general education. The best court issued a ruling primarily based at the concept of honor killing that declared it illegal to kill or physically assault young human beings or girls who select to wed against the wishes of their families. This sort of killing is a brutal and barbaric act committed by means of a family member. However, honor killing has been designated as a separate provision with harsh penalties in our nation. Honor killing is a more common practise in India, particularly in the states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Rajasthan. The crime of honor killing is coming to light more and more as a result of the complex sociocultural issues. The main causes of honor killing are people from high castes who refuse to marry outside their caste in order to preserve their status. If something were to happen to lower their status, they would feel that it was unnecessary, so if a female or male marries a person of low status, they would feel that person was unnecessary rather than lowering their status. The victim's parents will not agree to a love marriage, even if their status and gotra are the same. This murder is carried out to restore their honor, which has been damaged as a result of the young man or woman's action. Due to merciful acts as well, honor killing is a practise in India. The parties responsible for the honor killing may argue that there was a serious and sudden provocation. As honor killing has been practised for centuries, such a notion was entertained when the act was created. Honor killing is a crime that is now primarily on par with other serious crimes. The young male or female who has been raised by the family for years must also be taken into account by the family, even though culture is important. The family members do not receive the same level of importance as culture and status. They become motivated to commit an honor killing by thoughts of society, their immediate surroundings, and rumors and news stories about the victim, but they do not seek out a solution to protect the victim. Our nation is experiencing an increase in this crime.
There is no one single factor to account for violence perpetrated against women. Several complex and interconnected institutionalized social and cultural factors have kept women particularly vulnerable to the violence directed towards them. The dynamic of power and control in a relationship is the primary motivation behind this aggressive behavior. Whether the relationship is romantic, parental, or familial, violence is viewed as a way to control the power dynamics within it.
The following are some of the causes associated with domestic violence.
Economic: Women are particularly vulnerable to violence and find it difficult to leave abusive relationships because of a lack of financial resources. The relationship between poverty, dependence, and violence is cyclical. On the one hand, the threat and fear of violence prevents women from looking for work or, at best, forces them to accept exploitative, low-wage work from the comfort of their homes. On the other hand, without financial independence, women lack the ability to leave an abusive relationship.
Cultural: Cultural ideologies give violence against women "legitimacy" in some situations. The reprimanding and beating of wives has historically been permitted by religious and historical traditions. The idea of women's entitlement and ownership has specifically sanctioned the physical abuse of wives. Male control of family wealth inherently places decision-making power in male hands, resulting in male domination and proprietary rights over women and girls.
Legal: Lack of legal protection and knowledge of your rights, particularly in the private realm of the home, are significant contributors to the persistence of violence against women.
Spread the word everywhere - on TV, radio, social media and in our communities. Loud and clear, we need to tell people about the horrors of honor killings. And don't forget to shout from the rooftops for everyone to respect each other's choices and rights. Next, educate more women because the smarter they are, the better they can make their own decisions without needing family approval for every little thing. Education is the key to changing these old-fashioned ideas. Now we must talk heart to heart with local leaders, religious people, and wise elders in our neighborhood. We must tell them to stand against honor killings and spread love not hate. Then it's time to toughen the laws on honor killings. Make them very strict, so if someone does this, they are in big trouble and let's speed up these legal processes. We must create safe spaces and support networks for those at risk of honor violence, offering counselling, legal aid and protection. No one should have to face this alone. Helplines are essential - call anyone who is scared, anonymously and guarantee your safety. Police officers need state-of-the-art training to properly deal with incidents of honor violence and act quickly to protect those at risk. And media, take note - report honor killings sensibly; don't make it cool or exciting. Let us improve the school curriculum with choice and respect for human rights lessons so kids understand why it's so damn important. Bring in professionals to help the family - mediation and counselling can stop honor killings before they start. Support these women's empowerment programs by encouraging women to be strong, independent leaders who know their rights. The community and the police must be the best; This way people are not afraid to report threats and seek help. Finally, let's group globally to work with groups in other countries and large organizations. Together we can fight honor killings and share the best ways to end this senseless violence.
Men and women need to adopt new attitudes because India has long had a patriarchal social structure that is characterized by a male-dominated culture. The fundamental reason for violent attacks is an unfair allocation of power. To stop women from becoming victims of violence, attitudes between men and women need to alter. Internalization of Legal Norms in Consensus with the Public Domestic abuse in our nation is still perceived as a "interfamilial affair," which forbids the involvement of close relatives, strangers, and the government. Any legislation that is to be implemented effectively must first secure the support of a sizable public consensus and democratic processes. A more effective execution of the Act is required, and a strict legislative mandate has been set down for officials and stakeholders. It is necessary to eradicate gender inequality, traditional patriarchal relationships, and dominance by men. Training in the gender perspective is required Gender perspective training ought to be made legally required because it is essential for altering the mindset of patriarchal society, the police, service providers, medical professionals, protection officers, and especially magistrates who frequently tell women to "stop complaining" and put up with the violence. Expert-led Counselling to the harmed party is offered during the pre-litigation stage in order to restore self-esteem, offer emotional support, and aid her in deciding whether to file a lawsuit.
The most that can be done if a family member disapproves of the young people's marriage is to cut off their social ties to them; however, committing an act of honor killing does not elevate the family's honor. However, the family members are unaware of this fact. God is the creator of life, so he should have authority over births and deaths. The ability to remove someone from this earth depends on the god who brought them there. Family is important, but it is not important if one of the members is killed. Since the couple decides their own life and has the choice to stay together or separate, it is very secure to stop honor killing. No one has the authority to cast off any other character's lifestyles or freedom. dwelling existence to the fullest and being glad and comfortable always makes experience because you never realize while your subsequent moment will come. In India, ladies's lives are characterized by using home abuse, which isn't always best obvious however also pervasive. due to the fact most of the people of girls in our united states of America lack literacy and know-how of fundamental prison ideas and their rights, they regularly fail to document court cases in opposition to individuals who violate their rights and dedicate crimes in opposition to them. lack of knowledge of the law and the rights that are granted to them by means of that legislation, however the maximum crucial issue is that women do not realize their rights, that's because of traditional norms. The legal remedies that the government promises for the protection of women are unavailable to victims. Women continue to be viewed as secondary sex in our allegedly male-dominated, tradition-bound society, which forces them to endure assault in silence. The reality that women in India are subjected to discrimination based on their gender and hence she is frequently disregarded and undervalued.
Therefore, it is preferable to adhere to the Live and Let Live policy.
written by Vaibhav